Cannot Get Chocobo to Turn Soot Black Help

  1. Since I've gotten the Unicorn, I thought maybe I could start trying to change the color of my chocobo. I am in a Rank 8 FC with the Stable. I am wondering, are you able to continue riding your chocobo when they are in the stable? And what is the easiest way to get the fruits needed to change their color? Or any other advice on changing the color. Not sure on what color yet though.

  2. You can't ride or summon your chocobo while it's in the stable, and as cinq said, if you remove your chocobo from the stables in the 6 hours following when you feed it the dye fruit and when the dye change takes, you forfeit the change.

    There are two ways to attain chocobo dye food: the market board, and growing it yourself. You can only grow it yourself if you have access to a garden, which means only if your FC allows anybody to use their garden (which is highly unusual) or if you have your own personal house with a garden. If you have access to grow it yourself, you still have to buy the untradeable seeds with Allied Seals. Combine that with the cost of soils and it's probably not a significant enough money saver to be worth growing your own fruit.

    I use the color calculator at to guesstimate about how many fruits I'll need for the color I want. Remember to alternate fruits so as to avoid maxing out the value of one and wasting fruits. The rest is RNG; good luck.

    *Note: Soot black is probably the hardest color to get, and it'll cost you an arm and a leg. Do expect to spend a pretty penny on this unless you're changing the color only slightly.

  3. Thank you for the response! Well I am going to go for a light color like Snow White or something. So I'm guessing the best way to get fruit is from the market board? If so, I need to figure out how to get more gil. I only have around 240k, but I don't want to go broke doing it.

  4. You'll need to go MB, yes. Snow White is one of the less expensive colors to go for, and not too difficult to get, so that's good. The calculator says that'll take 34 fruits minimum (more if RNG decides it doesn't like you, as it sometimes does), and most dye fruits on Bryn range from 1500 gil apiece to 10k apiece. You could also watch the MB for a while, checking previous sold prices and waiting for when prices on the board are on the low end of usual for that particular fruit. You'll have to check the prices on the specific fruits you need, but it could definitely be out of your price range for now. At least you can get a pretty decent sense of about how much it would cost with the calculator and the MB.

    From what I recall, as I'm not online right now (I stock some dye fruit in my FC's company chest for people to use), Valfruit are quite cheap, Cieldalaes Pineapples are middling 3–5k, and Doman Plums are usually 7–10k. Of course, these prices do tend to fluctuate wildly from time to time, but those are the ranges I think I remember seeing. Valfruit are usually under 1k a pop because I ended up having to grow a bunch of them when I was farming Thavnairian Onions. :shifty: (Anything I grow immediately plummets in price and often stays that way for months. I am Reverse Midas. Oh, the Glazenuts, the Glazenuts TT^TT)

  5. Thanks. I looked at the current prices. The Pineapples are least, so I'll get those first. I am going to wait to get more money before buying the other two. What are some good ways to make good gil? Because my sister wants a dark color for her's, but it'll take longer since most dark colors seem to want more fruits.

  6. Running dungeons doing the dungeon roulettes nets good money.

    Crafting and gathering/fishing.

    Camping the market board. Buy low sell high.

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Cannot Get Chocobo to Turn Soot Black Help


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